Regional Facts & Figures
Byhalia is named for the Chickasaw word meaning “Great White Oaks.” U.S. Highways 78 and 309 intersect to make this a true crossroad. Antebellum homes and churches are part of the legacy of Byhalia and Marshall County. It is an estimated 7.19 square miles, with only 0.02 square miles of water. It is 361’ above sea level. Nearby cities include:
Olive Branch, MS [8 Miles]
Holly Springs, MS [15 Miles]
Oxford, MS [35 Miles]
Collierville, TN [12 Miles]
Memphis, TN/Airport [17 Miles]
Southaven, MS [18 Miles]
Tupelo, MS [69 Miles]
Byhalia is named for the Chickasaw word meaning “Great White Oaks.” U.S. Highways 78 and 309 intersect to make this a true crossroad. Antebellum homes and churches are part of the legacy of Byhalia and Marshall County.
Median Age
Byhalia has a population of 1,861 people with a median age of 36.1 Between 2015 and 2016 the population of Byhalia grew from 1,358 to 1,861, a 37% increase.
In 2016, the median age of all people in Byhalia was 36.1, but residents are getting younger. In 2015, the average age of all Byhalia residents was 40.6. The chart to the right shows the number of native born citizens (green) and foreign born citizens (blue).
Byhalia has a large population of military personnel who served in Vietnam, 3.42 times greater than any other conflict. There are also veterans from the 1990 and 2001 Gulf Wars.
The chart to the right shows the Byhalia veteran population (orange) in comparison with the national average (grey).
Property Value
The median property value in Byhalia is $100,300, which is 0.49 times smaller than the national average of $205,000. Between 2015 and 2016 the median property value increased from $87,900 to $100,300, a 14.1% increase. The home ownership rate is 52.2%, which is lower than the national average of 63.6%.
The chart to the right shows the percentage of property values of Byhalia (orange) compared to the national average (grey).
In 2016, 52.2% of the housing units in Byhalia were occupied by their owner. This percentage declined from the previous year's rate of 58.1%.
This percentage of owner-occupation is lower than the national average of 63.6%. This chart shows the ownership percentage in Byhalia (orange) compared to its parent geographies (grey).
Commute Time
Using averages, employees in Byhalia, MS have a shorter commute time (23.4 minutes) than the normal US worker (25minutes). Car ownership in Byhalia, MS is approximately the same as the national average, with an average of 2 cars per household. The most common type of transportation is driving alone.
The chart to the right shows percentage of commute time from Byhalia (orange) compared to the national average (grey).
Median Household Income
2016 Value: $30,164 (approximate)
Households in Byhalia have a median annual income of $30,164, which is less than the median annual income in the United States. Look at the chart to the right to see how the median household income in Byhalia (orange) compares to that in it's parent locations (grey).
The most common employment industries for those who live in Byhalia are Manufacturing, Administration, Support, Waste Management Services, and Retail trade. The chart (top right) shows the share breakdown of the primary industries for residents (orange) in comparison to the national average (grey), though some of these residents may live in Byhalia and work somewhere else. Census data is tagged to a residential address, not a work address.
The most common employment occupations, by number of people living in Byhalia are Production & Transportation, Sales & Office, and Service. The chart (bottom right) illustrates the share breakdown of the primary jobs held by residents (orange) in comparison to the national average (grey).
From 2015 to 2016, employment grew at a rate of 47.4%, from 462 employees to 681 employees.
The closest comparable data for the census place of Byhalia, MS is from the public use microdata area of Marshall, Alcorn, Prentiss, Tippah, Tishomingo, and Benton Counties PUMA, MS.
The closest comparable data for the census place of Byhalia, MS is from the public use microdata area of Marshall, Alcorn, Prentiss, Tippah, Tishomingo, and Benton Counties PUMA, MS.
Please note that the buckets used in this visualization were not evenly distributed by ACS when publishing the data.
Please note that the buckets used in this visualization were not evenly distributed by ACS when publishing the data.
Please note that the buckets used in this visualization were not evenly distributed by ACS when publishing the data.
Please note that the buckets used in this visualization were not evenly distributed by ACS when publishing the data.
Employment by Industries
For anonymity, the ACS 1-year estimate groups industries by broad parent groupings
Employment by Occupations
For anonymity, the ACS 1-year estimate groups occupations by broad parent groupings.
Information Reference:
Image Reference: DATAUSA from Dataset ACS 5-year Estimate [Source: Census Bureau]